Get fit, healthy and ripped with no nonsense fitness and exercise in the new year

December 21st, 2009

It’s nearly that time again people…we are about to enter a new year!!!

With a new year comes the ‘mandatory’ new year’s resolutions – you know the typical things we say like “I am gonna make time to exercise a load more this year”, “I’m going to improve my fitness levels, I’m gonna get that six pack and those bulging biceps as well”.

All too often these resolutions we make never materialize. Why’s that do you think folks? Everybody knows, and are told often how good exercise is for our body and mind, as the well known saying goes “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” yet still we seem unable to stick it out and reach the goals we set for ourselves, maybe the fitness guides or regimes we are following are actually pretty poor? Or is it maybe that we are just too busy with life to stick to our exercise regimes?

Whatever it may be for whatever reason by the finish of March we’ll be failing, but hey – we all know we are just letting ourselves down. The images of ourselves as Rocky Balboa training against snow and blizzards are well and truly gone and we just give up.

The thing is we can’t put a value on our health or well being – it is quite simply priceless and should in no way be an after thought. Forget forthcoming changes to the US Senate health care bill – your health is in your own hands!

Listen folks, I’m as guilty of this as anyone – I have been training on and off for over 14 years following lots of different exercise and fitness routines and almost every New Year I say to myself the same talk. “This is my year I am going to hit the gym lots , when I get in to my routine look I am going to get in such amazing shape, just you wait and see!”

I think all my friends must be like hey we’ve heard that said before!

It’s kind of funny because when we do actually get to the gym and get in a routine we feel great every time we come out right?!

It is all about getting into that routine and sticking with it! So how about it guys let’s not make empty promises this year let’s find that fantastic exercise training routine and actually achieve our goals by sticking with it.  Running, swimming, biking, weights – we can exercise with all these to break up the monotony!

So who’s with me?

If you can relate to this scenario, if this is YOU let’s actually make a commitment and do it this year let’s reach your 6 pack goal in the new year. Think how much healthier we will feel when we are in great shape! Can we stay with our new year’s resolution? YES WE CAN! Remember friends – “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind”.